Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Moth Balls

I wrote about the cats pooping in the front yard a while ago, and how much Chandler relishes those delicious nuggets. One of my sisters suggested mothballs to keep the cats out of the front yard, and although a friend of mine suggested mothballs were poisonous to dogs, I tossed a few handfuls of them out there anyway. I'll just have to be vigilant when I take the dogs out front. So anyway, here are the results of my mothballed front yard experiment. Last night I went out to feed the cats and they both were out front, strolling among the mothballs. They didn't seem the least bit bothered by them. Then this morning when I took the dogs for a walk, I opened the front door, and there was the neighbor's cat lounging among the mothballs. She was laying out in the yard completely at ease while surrounded by the chemical stench of mothballs. So now I have a front yard that the cats are still pooping in, strewn with mothballs, and every time I open the front door it smells like a crazy cat lady's closet.


  1. Bobcat urine? Although extracting some is going to be a bitch.

  2. How did that guy ever get a career as a comedian. He sucks. Maybe that selling his urine thing is a sideline to make ends meet.

  3. Less than 24 hours. Sometimes it takes me decades to get a joke.
